Security Issues

How to use hydra hacking tool?

Today, with the expansion of the digital world and the widespread use of social networks, electronic devices and the Internet, the subject of hacking and security has become very important. There are different types of hacking and security tools, and in this article we want to review one of these tools. Stay with Spy Family to know how to use hydra hacking tool.

What is Hydra Hacking Tool?

Hydra is one of the best penetration testing and hacking tools. Hydra is one of the best penetration testing and hacking, which provides us with the possibility of cracking accounts and various services. In fact, Hydra supports various protocols for penetration testing, which is one of the most important reasons for the widespread popularity of this tool. Hydra is written by van Hauser. Let’s take a look at this tool features:

  1. It supports IP address version 6 and 4
  2. It Supports HTTP and Socks protocols, etc.
  3. It Support most operating systems
  4. It is installed by default on Kali Linux
  5. Convenient and simple graphical user interface
  6. The possibility of access by command

How to use hydra hacking tool?

Protocols supported by Hydra hacking tool

Before we talk about how to use hydra hacking tool, we should say that: In the list below you can see which protocols are supported by Hydra Hacking tool:

  • Cisco enable
  • CVS
  • FTP
  • HTTP-Proxy
  • IMAP
  • MS SQL
  • MySQL
  • NNTP
  • IRC
  • PC-NFS
  • POP3
  • RDP
  • SMB
  • SMTP
  • SNMP
  • SOCKS5
  • SSH
  • Telnet
  • VMware Auth
  • VNC

How to use hydra hacking tool?

The Hydra tool is available by default on some operating systems such as Kali Linux and Parrot operating system, and you can start the Hydra tool environment in several ways. To run this tool, first open your terminal and type the following command:


To run its graphical environment:


To know how to use hydra hacking tool, you should install this tool on Windows; To do this, first go to the following address and download Hydra:

Then, after downloading this tool, enter the folder of this tool using the CMD environment, and run the hydra tool using the following command:


When you run this tool, you will face the tool environment which has listed some of the most important commands for you. But to see all the switches, you can use the following command:

hydra -h

If you are going to attack only one specific person, you should use ip or dns. if you want to attack a network, you must specify an IP range. Finally, if you want to attack a large number of hosts, you should put the desired addresses in a text file and introduce them to the tool. You should be careful that the Hydra tool performs its attacks on IPv4 by default, and if you intend to perform your attacks on IPv6, you must prepare the tool for IPv6 attacks by using the -6 switch. Finally, you need to crack by specifying the desired protocol and your target IP.

Hydra hacking tool guide

In this part of how to use hydra hacking tool article, we want to explain the options of this tool for you to them better and work with them properly.

  • -l: You should use this option when you have your target username and intend to crack its password, and in this case you can use this option and after using this switch, you must Introduce yourself to the tool.
  • -L: This option helps you to crack the username. You should use this switch when you don’t have the username and you have to give the user list to the tool.
  • -p: This switch helps you when you know the password of your target account and you want to crack your target username.
  • -P: By using this switch for when you don’t know your target password and if you intend to introduce a password list to the hydra tool, you should use it.

How to use hydra hacking tool?

Hydra installation tutorial

One of the most frequently asked questions is how to install Hydra. We will follow the installation tutorial below. Weak passwords are still a big problem in security. Today, cracking and guessing passwords have become very easy. Also, brute force is used a lot in the attack. A general rule in choosing a password is to have a long password (more than eight characters) and consist of capital letters, symbols and numbers.

One of the best brute force tools for cracking passwords is Hydra. This tool is a parallel login or password cracker. This software becomes much faster and more flexible if its module is the easy option. Hydra is usually installed on Kali Linux for any reason;

if it is not installed on the system or if you use other Linux distributions, you can use this article to read the instructions for installing Hydra on Linux and Windows. Install from the source repository The following command installs Hydra directly from the repositories. But the major problem is that this command cannot install the latest version.

sudo apt-get install hydra gtk
Well, in this situation or when Hydra is already installed on your system, we use the following command to remove this software:

sudo apt-get purge hydra gtk && Sudo apt-get autoremove && Sudo apt-get autoclean

How to install Hydra in Linux

In this tutorial, to the question How to use hydra hacking tool? Answered, but now we will follow the installation of Hydra in Linux together. Before doing anything, we must update our system using the following command:

sudo apt-get update && Sudo apt-get upgrade && Sudo apt-get dist upgrade
After updating, we need to install the necessary items for Hydra:

  • sudo apt-get y install build-essential
  • sudo apt-get install git
  • When we use Ubuntu / Debian-based distributions, additional libraries are required for some module options.
  • Which can be installed with the following command (note that some of these libraries may not be available for some Linux distributions)

sudo apt-get install libssl dev libssh dev libidn11 dev libpcre3 dev \ libgtk2.0 dev libmysqlclient dev libpq dev libsvn dev \ firebird dev libncp dev
This command activates all modules and features except for Oracle, SAP, R / 3, NCP, and Apple protocol. Once this is done, we need to clone it from the git hub repository. Using the following command:

git clone HTTP: / / / vanhauser THC / the hydra.git
In your home directory, go to the directory of the cloned folder:

cd the Hydra
After being placed in the desired folder, we must configure it:

. / configure

If you see this “make” message on your page, follow the instructions. Use the root user for the “make install” command.

Return to your home directory and use the “hydra help” command to ensure that Hydra is installed correctly and working properly

Final words

Hydra hacking tool is a very powerful and professional cracker that can crack different accounts. This tool supports various attack protocols, has a graphical environment and international support. In this article on Spy family we have talked about how to use hydra hacking tool. If you want to know about this hacking tool, this article can be useful for you.

Keleis Andre

Hi, I'm Keleis Andre, the Administrator of Spy Family Blog. Spy Family Blog is a leading IT security magazine focused on hacking and monitoring people's virtual activities. Our experts prepare step-by-step tutorials that include information on how to defend against hacking and handle vulnerabilities. This magazine focuses on Network scanning, Malware, Cloud security, DDoS, Web hacking, ID/password hacking, Security consulting, Reverse engineering, WiFi vulnerabilities, and more. Spy Family magazine articles are written by experts who take theory and put it into practice. The goals of this site are to cover important trends, provide relevant tips and tricks, and help build technical skills. We hope that with the help of this magazine, your knowledge about IT security will increase, and you will enjoy hacking and monitoring others!

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